Thursday, March 30, 2006

Raptor Parties Like It s 19,999,999 B.C.
CMJ - Millions of years ago robots roamed the earth; their domination unchallenged by any living creature until man came along and enslaved them. It was a cruel takeover resulting in the creation of automated assembly lines, personal computers and Crazy

A Towering Anachronism?
Motley Fool - I couldn't help doing a double-take when I read that Tower Records has launched an online bookstore to complement its online music store. Given rapid industry shifts, I would have thought that Tower might hit us up with something a little bit more

What Does Your Cell Phone Say About You?
NewsFactor Network - "Customization is everywhere," said Dan Roy, national sales manager for Motorola. "I think that phones are now so prevalent, it's not so special to have one. The next step is people want to accessorize them. As electronics go, cell phones are not