Thursday, March 30, 2006

Net neutrality and market interference
ZDNet Blogs - In a previous post on the subject of AT&T's proposed merger with BellSouth , I suggested "net neutrality" rules might be a better way of dealing with the concerns posed as reason to block the move. This led to a response (via email) by Matt, a web

What Does Your Cell Phone Say About You?
NewsFactor Network - "Customization is everywhere," said Dan Roy, national sales manager for Motorola. "I think that phones are now so prevalent, it's not so special to have one. The next step is people want to accessorize them. As electronics go, cell phones are not

Mills: Serving, pulling and signing papers, or not
Beacon Villager - W ill Stow be served with papers to launch a lawsuit by Cingular Wireless, or not. After the decision is filed, Cingular have 20 days to appeal the Planning Board's decision to deny its application to locate cell phone antennas on the Gleasondale