Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A savvy smash: High School Musical
Salt Lake Tribune - "High School Musical," the tween sensation that began as a Disney Channel movie filmed in Utah, is becoming a merchandising monster thanks to savvy Disney marketers. What's expected to grow from the ratings blockbuster later this year: The DVD: Walt

Zim restates revenues, buys U.S. ringtone company
Ottawa Business Journal - Michael Cowpland's struggling Zim Corp. will re-state earnings for periods back to 2004, after adopting a new set of accounting rules for revenues from premium messaging transactions. At the same time, the company said it plans to acquire a U.S

Look who's calling
San Luis Obispo Tribune - Out of Jessica Hickey's purse comes a funky beat that turns people's heads. Next, the deep, raw voice of a man raps: "Cold coolin' at a bar, and I'm lookin' for some action " It's Tone Loc, and he's telling Hickey she's got a call from a "Funky

Sonic oasis
Louisville Courier-Journal - Noise is an inevitable byproduct of modern life. If you live within the city limits of any metropolis in the civilized world, then you will be exposed to noise -- most of it is so awful it sets your teeth on edge. Some people choose to expose