Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Yvonne Zanos: Is it time for a switch in electricity suppliers?
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Mar 13 9:19 PM
Q: I am a Duquesne Light customer who has had Dominion Peoples Plus for many years as an electric supplier. On my January bill, Dominion's charge for electric was 8.9 cents per kilowatt hour, while the Duquesne Light price to compare was 6.69 cents. Would it pay to make the switch?Save to My Web

Calling the Telecom Billing Firms
RedNova - Mar 08 11:54 AM
By Richard Nemec Note: This is the first of two parts. I'm old enough to remember using rotary-dial pay phones to make collect calls home when I had no cash. Life was somehow a lot simpler then. I don't think I have made or received a collect call since those prehistoric times.Save to My Web

Edward C. Baig: Personal Tech - Skype banishes outlandish fees for calls from foreign lands via Yahoo! News - Mar 09 7:04 AM
SkypeOut lets you use a computer to dial regular phone numbers in the USA and elsewhere from the country you are in. Skype's rate to the USA is just around 2 cents a minute. Despite a few snags, the Skype service worked like a charmSave to My Web