Monday, September 26, 2005 Motorola RAZR V3 Phone (Cingular): Cell Phones
Get the most out of your Cingular service with this impressive quad-band phone. When used with a Cingular data plan and the phone's Bluetooth or USB

Apple - iTunes for your Mobile Phone
Only Cingular lets you get in on the action of ROKR and all its musical mobility. Plus, ROKR phones from Cingular come pre-upgraded to support up to 100 - Dell Notebook Will Surf With Cingular
Computer vendor will support Cingular's HSDPA network, similar to recent deal with Verizon.

Cingular MediaRoom - Hurricane Updates
Cingular customers can donate to the American Red Cross by simply sending a text message. The charge will appear on your Cingular Wireless bill.

CWA, America's largest communications and media union, represents over 700000 men and women in both private and public sectors, including over half a

iTunes + Cingular - Only available from Cingular Wireless
Our best online deal. Choose your iTunes ROKR phone and get FREE shipping.