Monday, September 26, 2005

Wi-Fi Networking News Archives
Dell Drops Other Shoe: Cingular Partnership for HSDPA · IPWireless Launches RailLink over UMTS · Who's Hot Today? Sacramento (Calif.) - Dell Notebook Will Surf With Cingular
Computer vendor will support Cingular's HSDPA network, similar to recent deal with Verizon.

Cingular wireless discounts for union members
Union Privilege offers Union Plus benefits -- including credit card, mortgage, loans, insurance, scholarships, health care savings and other discounts -- to

BetaNews | Cingular to Offer Music Downloads
At a Goldman Sachs investor conference in New York on Thursday, Cingular chief Cingular was the first US carrier to offer the Motorola ROKR iTunes phone

Moto s V1150 coming to Cingular? - Engadget -
And as PhoneScoop points out, Moto is one of Cingular s HSDPA launch I agree that its a GREAT LOOKING phone. could cingular please pass the KETCHUP!