Indie Movie Gives Away Indie Music: Ringtones for the Taking
SYS-CON Media - Jul 19 8:41 AM
plus Los Angeles andSeattle, they may be challenged making a decision. Fun to hear. Tough tochoose.'Save to My Web
Japan's mobile business booming
GameSpot - Jul 19 4:07 PM
Japan's mobile-content providers see market expand almost 40 percent since 2005; ringtones, game content doing brisk sales.Save to My Web
The Crazy Frog croaks - leaving Monstermob to face its demons
Independent - Jul 10 6:03 PM
When the irritating Crazy Frog topped the pop charts last year, it appeared that mobile content had come of age. Going back to 2000, when mobile telecoms operators splashed out 22bn on licences to build and operate third-generation networks, the mobile industry has assumed that voracious demand for content such as music, ringtones, video downloads and mobile games would justify such massive Save to My Web