Rants + Raves
Wired - Kudos on Frank Rose's article about the ROKR (" Battle for the Soul of the MP3 Phone ," issue 13.11). It ought to be required reading for cellular carriers, handset makers, music executives, and especially Steve Jobs. I carry around a Creative Zen
Today's ad: Verizon
USA Today - Based on a nationwide poll of 271 adults who had seen the ads. Poll conducted Dec. 8-14; margin of error is plus or minus 6 percentage points. Overall average based on 490 ads. To subscribe to Harris Ad Research Service, contact David Krane of Harris
Airbag deploys 2
Detroit News - Detroit motorists -- downtown workers, visitors, sports fans, residents and club-crawlers -- will have to hang up their handheld cell phones while driving if Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick signs a ban approved Wednesday by the Detroit City Council. The