Cingular claims fraud by insurers, brokers
BizJournals - May 21 10:03 PM
Taking a page from New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, Atlanta-based Cingular Wireless LLC has sued the nation's top insurers and insurance brokers, alleging the former paid the latter more than $1 billion in kickbacks to steer them business and stifle competition.Save to My Web
Handango to Offer Windows Mobile and Tablet PC Content Through Windows Marketplace
[Press Release] PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance - 1 hour, 34 minutes ago
Today, Handango, the leading provider of mobile content, announced it will provide Windows Mobile and Tablet PC content on Windows Marketplace, a shopping portal for customers to find and buy software and hardware for the Windows operating system.Save to My Web
Motorola Unveils 'Q' Cell Phone
Sydney Morning Herald - May 22 5:25 PM
Motorola Inc. unveiled its highly anticipated 'Q' mobile phone Monday, joining other manufacturers in aiming for businesspeople who want their e-mail to go. -Save to My Web