Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Airbag deploys 2
Detroit News - Detroit motorists -- downtown workers, visitors, sports fans, residents and club-crawlers -- will have to hang up their handheld cell phones while driving if Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick signs a ban approved Wednesday by the Detroit City Council. The

Detroit to drivers: Hang up
Detroit News - Detroit motorists -- downtown workers, visitors, sports fans, residents and club-crawlers -- will have to hang up their handheld cell phones while driving if Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick signs a ban approved Wednesday by the Detroit City Council. The

Goshen train derailment produces lasting fallout for doctors' offices
WNDU - Doctors' offices, dependent on electronically held patient files, could not access them, causing many problems in and out of the office. If you've been to most doctors' offices lately, you know some carry laptop computers with them. Patient history