Hawkeye Football Players Allegedly Traded Tickets For Phones
KCRG.com - (Cedar Rapids KCRG) -- The University of Iowa wants to know if some of its football players traded tickets for products and services. Tickets to the outback bowl for a cell-phone headset. Sound like a fair trade? Apparently not. The university is
Sprint Extends Mobility Leadership with Aggressive Broadband Network
WebWire - WebWire Related Industries Overland Park, KAN. 03/30/2006, Sprint (NYSE: S) today announced aggressive plans for the expansion and evolution of the Sprint Power Vision(SM) network which now covers over half of the U.S. population with mobile
Money is issue in House 40
Raleigh News & Observer - Get ready for a battle over how to spend money in state House District 40. Marilyn Avila, the former chairwoman of the Wake County Republican Party, is running for Republican incumbent Rick Eddins' seat because she doesn't think he is making the
Cingular plans to improve service
Pioneer Press - Cingular Wireless is expected to announce today that it is spending nearly $60 million in Minnesota to extend its coverage and improve service, but one consumer advocate group says Cingular may have no choice given its low customer satisfaction