Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Free Auto Blogger Report

Tue 11:48 PM | Blog Loaded.Tue 11:50 PM | Starting Blog...Tue 11:50 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Tue 11:50 PM | Could not download feed: 11:50 PM | Could not download feed: 11:50 PM | Checking cache and filters...Tue 11:50 PM | Posting 20 entries...Tue 11:50 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 8. Ads posted: 0.Tue 11:50 PM | Feed items skipped: 12 (free version).Tue 11:50 PM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comTue 11:50 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 02:51 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 02:51 AM | Could not download feed: 02:51 AM | Could not download feed: 02:51 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 02:51 AM | Skipping 6 posts (duplicates)...Wed 02:51 AM | Posting 14 entries...Wed 02:51 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 8. Ads posted: 0.Wed 02:51 AM | Feed items skipped: 6 (free version).Wed 02:51 AM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comWed 02:51 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 05:51 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 05:51 AM | Could not download feed: 05:51 AM | Could not download feed: 05:51 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 05:51 AM | Skipping 10 posts (duplicates)...Wed 05:51 AM | Posting 10 entries...Wed 05:51 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 8. Ads posted: 0.Wed 05:51 AM | Feed items skipped: 2 (free version).Wed 05:51 AM | Purchase the PRO version at www.freeautoblogger.comWed 05:51 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 08:52 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 08:52 AM | Could not download feed: 08:52 AM | Could not download feed: 08:52 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 08:52 AM | Skipping 18 posts (duplicates)...Wed 08:52 AM | Posting 2 entries...Wed 08:52 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 2. Ads posted: 0.Wed 08:52 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 11:52 AM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 11:52 AM | Could not download feed: 11:52 AM | Could not download feed: 11:52 AM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 11:52 AM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Wed 11:52 AM | Posting 7 entries...Wed 11:52 AM | Done! Feed items posted: 7. Ads posted: 0.Wed 11:52 AM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 02:53 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 02:53 PM | Could not download feed: 02:53 PM | Could not download feed: 02:53 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 02:53 PM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Wed 02:53 PM | Posting 7 entries...Wed 02:53 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 7. Ads posted: 0.Wed 02:53 PM | Waiting 180 minutes to start next cycle.Wed 05:53 PM | Downloading 4 feeds...Wed 05:53 PM | Could not download feed: 05:53 PM | Could not download feed: 05:53 PM | Checking cache and filters...Wed 05:53 PM | Skipping 13 posts (duplicates)...Wed 05:53 PM | Posting 7 entries...Wed 05:53 PM | Done! Feed items posted: 7. Ads posted: 0.
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